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10,000 Clear Pop-up plastic deli / bakery wraps of a size of 6” x 10 3/4". These wrap sheets are ideal for using as scale sheets, pick-up sheets, separators, food prep wrap, basket liners, sandwich and sub wrap and with donuts / bagels / muffins / cookies / candies/ Hamburger and Hotdog wrap. Sheets are grease proof and non-absorbent. These sheets are microwavable and freezable and are made from the material which is FDA approved for food contact. These sheets are interfolded with a pop-up style design for easy dispensing. The Pop-up plastic deli / bakery wrap is packed 1000 sheets in an inner box and 10 inner boxes to a master box.
The price mentioned is for a master box of 10 inner boxes (10,000 deli and/or bakery sheets) and includes free shipping anywhere in the USA (Excluding Hawaii, Alaska, PR, and VI).
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